Laxmi Product & Company

Quality Saffron Since 1979

We are family owned Business keeping alive a tradition that spans since 1979 in selling one of the most delicate and finest spices in the world: saffron. An immense wealth of knowledge and expertise of saffron that has transcended two generations has helped our company in procuring the best quality saffron available in market.

A spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus (which also is its scientific name), saffron (and its threads, especially) is mainly used as a seasoning and coloring agent in food. Apart from its uses, it is also well known for being one of the most expensive spices in the world.

Vilay Saffron

Saffron (Kesar in Hindi, Jafran in Bengali, Kumkumappu in Tamil, Kumkuma pubba in Telugu and Zaeafran in Arabic) is thought to have originated in or near Persia, from where it propagated to Eurasia, and then to parts of North America, North Africa, and Oceania. The plant usually thrives in the Mediterranean maquis (a place in the Mediterranean regions with dense evergreen shrubs), and in similar climates where hot and cold summer breezes blow over semi-arid lands. The flower of the plant is purple and possesses a honey-like fragrance. The stems grow up to 20 to 30 cm in height, and they, along with the flowers and roots, develop between September and December.

Silver leaves

Laxmi Product & company is a renowned name in the field of silver (wark) and gold leaves marketing.

Available under the brand name “Silver Mount” As you would be aware silver foil commonly known as ‘chandi ka warakh’ is conventionally made manually by beating of silver in “jhilli” a special book made up for intestines and fat of our revered cows and buffaloes.

This is contrary to Indian ethos and culture where the same has been given holy status , shockingly this warakh is used on sweets being consumed by unaware vegetarian Hindu’s and jain. The purity of the conventional warakh is also questionable and can be a possible health hazard if the same is not ensured .

What is still sad that this is the same warakh used on the idols of our sacred deity of lord hanuman devi ji shani dev ji and the jain idols  with a view to finding a solution to the shocking prevailing situation we have successfully trade an innovative product under the brand name of “silver mount” Silver foil which is produced from computerized machines and produced in a hygienic and air -conditioned environment we take 100% guarantee of the purity of silver used which is 99.99% Hindu’s and jain. 

no sort of animal product being used the manufacturing on computerized machines . We are trading from high reputed company.  they have all the rights and licenses of manufacture .

Silver Mount Product

100 % Pure Vegetarian as its fully Machine made unlike foil from conventional sources which are made by unorganized sector by manual beating using animal intestines for pressing .


99.99% pure silver laboratory certified.


No. of sheets in a booklet are guaranteed to be 150 unlike the ones sold by unorganized sector where sheets could be anywhere between 100 to 130.


The size in the conventionally model sold booklet are not uniform as they are handmade unlike ours which is purely machine made.


The thickness of silver mount is under 2 micron which is impossible to achieve by hand which is ideal for sweets and it covers more no. of sweets in 1 packet of silver mount .

What is still sad that this is the same warakh used on the idols of our sacred deity of lord hanuman devi ji shani dev ji and the jain idols. with a view to finding a solution to the shocking prevailing situation we have successfully trade an innovative product under the brand name of “silver mount” Silver foil which is produced from computerized machines and produced in a hygienic and air -conditioned environment we take 100% guarantee of the purity of silver used which is 99.99%

no sort of animal product being used the manufacturing on computerized machines . We are trading from high reputed company.  They have all the rights and licenses of manufacture.

  • Available in
  • 100mm X 100mm ,
  • 120mm X 120mm
  • 140mm X 140mm

Only fine fresh paper sheets are used in silver mount unlike conventional silver foil manufacturer who use old telephone directory pages or News Papers.

Our company have been established with perfect Quality management system in Accordance with ISO 9001 and requirement with 22000 and HACCP certificates and achieved the authentication certificate

Adhering to the philosophy of “client’s demand is our principal , client’s satisfaction is our target and Clint’s development is our development.”