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Health Benefits Of Vilay Saffron


Some research suggests that saffron could be useful for patients dealing with liver metastasis. The carotenoids in saffron may help inhibit the production of reactive oxygen species.
The effect of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) hydro-alcoholic extract on liver and renal functions in type 2 diabetic patients: A double-blinded randomized and placebo control trial. Uncontrolled diabetes causes liver and renal dysfunctions. Since, saffron may improve diabetes control and indicate renal and liver protection,

  1. Saffron alcoholic extract decreased BUN and uric acid, but not creatinine
  2. Changes in ALT, AST and ALK were not significant.
  3. Changes in dietary intakes and physical activity were not significant.
  4. Increase in blood pressure during the intervention was not significant.
  5. Changes in anthropometric measures were not significant within the study groups.

According to the book, ‘Healing Spices’ by Dr. Bharat Aggarwal, a report published in the Journal of Midwifey and Women’s Health, researchers studied 180 women, aged 18 to 27 years, who suffered from menstrual cramps, dividing them into three groups. For three menstrual periods, one group received a daily herbal remedy containing 500 milligrams of saffron; another group received a steroidal medicine and the third group received a placebo. Both the groups taking saffron and non-steroidal medicine had a significant reduction in the intensity and duration of pain during the periods as compared to third group taking placebo. Another study published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology suggested that saffron proved to be effective in relieving the symptoms of PMS.
Thanks to its analgesic and antispasmodic properties, saffron is used to stimulate menstruation or ease the blood flow, work against spasms, and relieve pain and irritability, all of which are common during periods.
Saffron is an excellent remedy for several women health problems. It has emmenagogue property, which means it promotes menstruation and improves the blood flow during periods.


Scanty Periods


It induces uterine contractions boosts blood circulation toward the uterus. Due to emmenagogue action, it promotes the blood flow during the periods. If a woman has scanty periods, it is a very useful home remedy for it.


Dysmenorrhea (Painful Periods)


The cramps or pain occurring during periods are referred to painful periods, menstrual cramps and dysmenorrhea. Saffron is the most effective herb that alleviates pains and relieves menstrual cramps.


Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)


Low serotonin is a contributing factor for premenstrual syndrome. Saffron restores the healthy level of serotonin in the body. It also reduces symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
If you don’t get heavy periods then drinking saffron water will solve this problem. Drinking saffron water a few days before your date can help you get heavy periods. It also helps in reducing cramp pain. Don’t drink this water if you already get heavy periods as it has heating agents which lead to heavy periods.

  1. For PMS, take 15 mg of saffron extract twice daily, but only after consulting a doctor.
  2. This will help reduce symptoms of PMS like bloating, cramps, mood swings, irritability, acne, breast tenderness and fatigue.
  3. You can also drink Vilay saffron tea or Vilay saffron milk to get relief from menstrual discomfort, such as abdominal pain and heavy bleeding.

Saffron is known to have cancer preventing qualities. A compound in Saffron known as crocin is beneficial to cease the growth of colorectal cancer cells. It has also shown the same effects in the cases of prostate cancer and hepatic cancer. Skin cancer can also be treated in some cases with the help of Saffron. Since Saffron is rich in carotenoids, it has anticancer properties. The useful compounds in Saffron are also useful in preventing the development of cancer cells in the case of leukemia and breast cancer. According to research Saffron can also block the multiplication of two kinds of human cancer cells. This occurs due to the inhibition of an enzyme which is active in cancer cells. Crocetinic acid present in Saffron also has the power to prevent pancreatic cancer from occurring. This compound also stops the growth of cancer stem cell and destroys them so that the cancer cannot return.

Historically, saffron has been used in traditional medicine to treat spasms in the lungs and asthma attacks. Asthma is a heterogeneous disease which is usually associated with chronic airway inflammation. Saffron has anti-inflammatory effects and may has beneficial effects on asthma. Among the multiple health benefits of saffron are: eases breathing in asthma attacks, improves lung and blood oxygenation, relieves whooping cough, croup cough, shortness of breath. Helps to fluidize thick mucus in the respiratory system and lungs being recommended in cystic fibrosis or respiratory infections.
To improve your heart health, take Vilay saffron in supplement or dietary form. Before starting a supplement regimen, consult your doctor.

Saffron can increase the preparation of the cervix in term pregnancies. It can also have excellent effects on effacement. Effacement is the thinning of the walls and shortening of the uterine cervix. Saffron also helps in normal delivery, and women who consumed Saffron during pregnancy have been able to have healthy deliveries and the possibility of a caesarean section was also low. However, it shouldn’t be consumed in excess by pregnant women or it can be detrimental for health or even cause miscarriage.

10 Benefits Of saffron During Pregnancy

Reduce Blood Pressure

Vilay Saffron is advised to take only 3 – 4 stands of saffron in milk and helps to reduce the blood pressure, mood swings of a woman. It has many healing natures that aid in muscle relaxation and even taking it in large dose helps in uterine stimulant.


It improves digestion and appetite by supplying the blood to all parts of the body uniformly. It even aids is soothing the gastrointestinal acidity by forming a membrane or a coat.Majority of women suffer from stomach aches during pregnancy. Digestion slows down during pregnancy and an expectant mother may require some stimulating agents to ease the process.Vilay saffron is known to boost the blood flow to your digestive system, and thus, helps to enhance your metabolism. This, in turn, aids in better digestion. Saffron causes the formation of a protective coating in the digestive tract. This extra layer helps to soothe the gastrointestinal acidity and also lessens bloating..

Have a cup of Vilaysaffron tea daily to improve digestion and reduce gas.

To make the tea, add a pinch of Vilaysaffron to a cup of water and boil it. Add a little raw chasni as per your taste and then drink it.



Improve Hair Growth

Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy often result in increased hair fall. A widespread practice among many pregnant women is applying a paste of milk, Vilay saffron and liquorice to reduce hair fall. The antioxidants in Vilay saffron nourish the hair, making it stronger.

Protects Against Heart Disease

Vilay Saffron has a magical property of protecting you against heart diseases. During pregnancy, women tend to consume more than the required amount of fatty foods to satisfy their increased appetite. This can have a detrimental effect on their cardiovascular system. The antioxidants, crocetin and potassium present in Vilay saffron help reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels in your body.

Calms Morning Sickness

Morning sickness often leaves you feeling dull and lethargic. Anecdotal evidence proves that Vilay saffron-infused tea often helps combat nausea and dizziness.

Aids in Better Sleep

As the pregnancy progresses, sleeping becomes a challenge, with the mother tossing and turning all night to comfortably accommodate the growing belly, deal with the effects of hormonal surges, and reduce the discomfort of stretching bones. All these factors together cause cramps, pain and discomfort. During such times, you can have saffron-infused milk. Vilay Saffron contains mild sedative properties that help promote sleep and enable you to feel relaxed. Drinking saffron with milk is known to improve your quality of sleep.

Helps Avoid Congestion Due to Allergies

Often, your immune system is compromised during pregnancy. You become vulnerable to infections and allergies, as it has anti-inflammatory properties.Vilay Saffron helps in easing your cough, asthma, allergies and nasal congestion. Besides, applying a paste of saffron and sandalwood helps to bring down fever.

Keeps You Glowing

Many moms go through the changes in the skin during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Pimples breakouts and pigmentation are common issues during this period. Consuming saffron regularly eliminate skin problems and improves skin tone.

Act as a Pain Reliever

A pregnant woman experiences cramps ranging from mild in the beginning to near severe before delivery. Throughout the pregnancy, the bones and muscles stretch and shift to accommodate the growing baby, and this can cause pains and cramps in the stomach and pelvic joints.Vilay Saffron is a natural painkiller. It relaxes the muscles, which helps to relieve stomach pain and soothe cramps.

Relieves sore gums

A surge of hormones often causes sore gums during pregnancy. To get relief, you can use ground saffron to gently massage your gums. This helps to reduce the soreness and sensitivity.

How To Avoid Side Effects

Having anything in excess can be harmful. So to be on the safer side, the pregnant Lady should be careful about the quantity of Vilay Kesar or saffron to be added to the food. Having 6-7 strands of Vilay saffron is fruitful and one should not exceed this limit. And choosing good quality saffron is the key.

Vilay Saffron is a culinary spice derived from parts of the crocus (Crocus sativus) flower. Newly published scientific studies demonstrate its ability to improve visual acuity and to improve sensitivity of the retina to light in people with early macular degeneration. 4-6 Vilay Saffron protects and prevents the steady breakdown of light-sensitive cells in the center of the retina, the macula. This addresses the root cause of age-related macular degeneration and improves light sensitivity, a major manifestation of the disease.
A recent clinical study has shown that taking oral supplementation of saffron (20 mg per day) for three months in patients with early stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD) induced a significant improvement of retinal function and visual acuity.
According to the researcher that carried out the research in patients with age-related macular degeneration, “Patients’ vision improved after taking the Vilay saffron pill”. This has created a hope that saffron may be the natural answer to stop or delay vision loss from macular degeneration.
Daily supplementation with saffron (20 mg/day) is needed in order to achieve the eye health benefits of saffron. Saffron has unique properties for modifying the activity level of specific genes in the retina of the eye that are involved in protection and repair of retinal cells. The beneficial effects of supplementation with saffron in early age-related macular degeneration are unique and have not been observed with other nutrients.
To improve eyesight, you can take saffron extract as a dietary supplement. Consult a doctor for the correct dosage.

Research shows that taking saffron or saffron extract by mouth for 6-12 weeks improves symptoms of major depression. Some studies show that saffron might be as effective as taking a prescription antidepressant, such as fluoxetine, imipramine, or citalopram. Early research in patients already taking an antidepressant shows that taking crocin, a chemical found in saffron, for 4 weeks reduces symptoms of depression more than taking the antidepressant alone.
You can also use saffron to treat sleep disorders like insomnia. Its mild sedative properties help relax the nerves and calm your mild. This in turn promotes sound sleep.

  1. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm saffron milk. To make the milk, steep 2 strands of saffron in a cup of warm milk for 5 minutes.
  2. Add some raw Chini and drink it daily at night before going to bed.

Saffron has healing properties which can hasten the process of skin recovery.

  1. Applying saffron on wounds or injured skin will make them heal faster.
  2. Saffron also helps lighten the marks in the long run.
  3. Soak 2 tsp of saffron in water and crush into a paste.
  4. Add a few drops of coconut oil and apply directly on the scars.
  5. Regular application will heal the scars and help fade the marks.

Not many people know that saffron is great for your skin. Saffron gives a red glow to your face and makes it look healthy like never before. It improves your skin texture and also adds freshness to it. Drinking saffron water everyday helps you lighten the skin naturally. Also, it clears out common skin problems like acne and blemishes.

  1. You can prepare a saffron face pack by adding few strands of saffron into half cup of boiling water and four teaspoon of powder milk.
  2. Mix it all together to prepare a thick paste and apply it on your skin for 10-15 minutes before washing it off.
  3. Following the process frequently will help you in smooth skin easily.

Applying kesar on your scalp helps in treating baldness, also called alopecia. Mix saffron, milk and liquorice (also known as licorice) and apply it on the scalp. This also helps in stimulating hair growth. Acts as an anti-depressant: The active components in saffron act as mood-uplifting agents.
Full of antioxidants, saffron can nourish the hair, making it healthy and shiny.

  1. Add a few strands of saffron to your hair oil, warm it up and use it to massage your scalp regularly.
  2. This will give your healthy scalp and stronger hair.
Other Benefits of Saffron for Hair
  1. Antioxidant properties prevent hair loss
  2. Purifies scalp and pores
  3. Promotes healthy hair growth
  4. Repairs damaged hair


This mask allows you to freshen up your dull skin as well as remove dark circles. It exfoliates your skin and improves blood circulation. This makes your skin smooth and glowing.

  1. Add 2-3 strands of saffron to one teaspoon of water.
  2. Keep it overnight.
  3. Add one teaspoon of milk, 2-3 drops of olive or coconut oil and pinch of sugar in this water.
  4. Dip a piece of bread and dab it in your face.
  5. Allow it to dry for 15 minutes
  6. Then wash off

The fragrant spice saffron, known as ‘kesar’ in Hindi, might be the most expensive spice in the world. Besides being used to flavour special dishes, saffron has been known to possess numerous beauty benefits.

Fighting acne

With its amazing anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, saffron is an ideal ingredient for treating acne and breakouts. It holds medicinal properties which can help in clearing up acne prone skin.

    1. Take 5-6 fresh basil leaves and 10 saffron strands.
    2. Soak them in clean water, make into a paste and use on breakouts to clear them.

Reducing pigmentation

    1. Saffron can be an excellent natural ingredient for reducing pigmentation, brown spots and other skin blemishes.
      1. Soak a few strands of saffron in clean water.
      2. Add this to 2 tbsp of turmeric powder and make a paste. Apply this on your face to reduce pigmentation and dark spots.

Glowing skin

    1. Pollution, harsh weather and external factors make the skin dull and lifeless. Regular application of saffron can breathe life into your skin, making it radiant. Soak saffron in half-a-cup of raw milk, and apply this concoction on your face for a natural glow.

Improving complexion

    1. Saffron is widely used in skin lightening cosmetic products. Since ancient times it has beena prized ingredient for nourishing the skin. Regular use of saffron will give you a healthy complexion.
      1. Take a few strands of saffron and crush them. Add to 2 tbsp of sandalwood powder along with rose water to make a paste.
      2. Apply on skin for better complexion.

Removing suntan

    1. The skin soothing and lightening qualities of saffron makes it handy for skin tan removal. Applying saffron strands soaked in milk will fade away the tan making the skin even toned.
      1. You can reduce tan with some saffron and milk.
      2. Soak saffron in milk cream or malai and leave it overnight.
      3. Mix this in the morning with your fingers and apply on the affected area.
      4. Alternatively, you could also try soaking some chironji or sunflower seeds and saffron in milk, for a night.
      5. Blend this into a fine consistency before applying.
      6. Massage this mixture on the required areas and apply well.
      7. You will find your tan reduce considerably with regular use of these ingredients. This remedy also leaves a fresh glow on your face.

Skin toner

    1. Saffron makes for an excellent skin toner providing a burst of nourishment and freshness to the skin.Add a few strands of saffron in rose water and you have an instant fragrant skin rejuvenator. This will also impart a youthful glow to the face.
      1. You can either, soak few strands of saffron in milk
      2. You can apply on your face and neck for few minutes and wash it off or you can add few strands of saffron in milk and drink it everyday to get better complexion.

Anti fungal

    Vilay Saffron is known to have anti fungal properties that helps in dealing with acnes and blemishes.
    1. Make a paste by crushing few basil leaves along with few strands of vilay saffron together.
    2. Apply the paste on your face for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cool water.
    3. Not only vilay saffron along with basil will reduce your acne but it will also help you in getting rid of blemishes.