CategoriesVilay Saffron

Good For You

As per the writings of Hippocrates (often regarded as the father of medicine), saffron is a wonderful treatment for colds…

CategoriesVilay Saffron

How To Use

How To use Vilay Saffron Step 1: Take desired quantity or 1 Single Use Pack of Vilay Saffron Soak in…

CategoriesVilay Saffron

Saffron Quality

Vilay Saffron Quality Characteristics Specification   Grade I II III 1 Moisture & volatile matter content (mass fraction) %,max.…

CategoriesVilay Saffron

History Of Saffron

History Of Saffron Cultivation and use of saffron spans more than 3,500 years. It has been traded and used across…

CategoriesVilay Saffron

Nutrition facts

Saffron Nutrition facts Saffron is one of the highly prized spices known since antiquity for its color, flavor and medicinal…